Saimers’ Cafe

CEO’s message Hello Saimers , I am delighted to see a new Saimers’ Cafe take shape! The growing number of Saimers, coupled with the limitations of being able to meet in person, makes the need for such a newsletter very relevant and meaningful. We are a diverse global community, with people coming from different regions, backgrounds and experiences. Yet, we are bound by a common set of values and purpose. I do wish that this newsletter celebrates the diversity in our community while un- derscoring the common thread that connects us all. A cursory glance at some of the stories in this issue struck me by the richness of backgrounds, interests, perspectives and experiences that we have in our midst. I am really excited to know more about all of you and look forward to reading Saimers’ Cafe with much interest! I do hope that this publication gets enriched by each of your stories, adding a different colour to create a mosaic that truly reflects Sai. Happy reading! Krishna 3