Saimers' Cafe - 7th Issue

A rare honour from Rashtrapathi Bhavan Meet Atharva Upadhyay, the meritorious student from the Delhi-National Capital Region who met Hon’ble President of India, Smt. Draupadi Murmu, on Children’s Day. A string of achievements brought him this rare honour. Conceptualised design of a green energy vehicle that can be powered by a wind turbine, solar panel and EV battery in a Net Zero program conducted by BP in collaboration with Atal Tinkering Labs. Participated in Macmillan Budding Scientist program at IIT Bombay. Presented a project about water pollution and application of oil absorbent sheet to clean the water. Participated in North Zone Chess competition and served as captain of the team. 21 Saimer families in focus Atharva Upadhyay Son of Puspesh Kumar Upadhyay MedChem, Shamirpet