Saimers' Cafe - 7th Issue

Your chance to dance! Step into the guest house at Bidar any morning, and you will be greeted by the sound of music and a bevy of ladies grooving to Zumba and dance moves. As part of recreational activities for families, Bidar Unit has organised trainers who conduct sessions for almost 30 participants, daily from 11 am to 12 Noon at Reliance Guest House. Family members of Saimers who wish to keep fit with Zumba, or just want to shake a leg can contact the HR team for more information. 24 Saimer families in focus It all started with a cassette left at home… Back in 1986 in Colombia, Beto Perez - then 16 - was teaching aerobics in his home city of Cali in the south west of the country. He had to use his employer’s chosen song list of hit US pop singles, including the likes of Madonna and Michael Jackson. But one day he mistakenly left the cassette at home. So he had to quickly think on his feet. “I had no choice but to use a mix-tape that I had in my car, and improvise from there,” says Beto. The class was an immediate hit. So he decided to stick with the Latin sounds and rhythms. From that start Beto eventually went on to launch his business Zumba Fitness. Today the Miami-based company is a household name with a reported 15 million people across 186 countries attending Zumba exercise classes every week. Source: BBC