Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report 2022

2 The concern about sustainability has grown into a vital conversation today making it now an essential ingredient for a company’s long-term success. Sustainability is not an add-on, separate from core activities. Organising for Sustainability Success is about making our journey towards sustainable development integrated and impactful. Essentially it is about having a culture of sustainability. It means progressively reducing the knowing-doing gap by proactively addressing sustainability-related material issues. The aspect of competitive advantage drawn from sustainability success is of paramount importance to us. We seek to achieve it by operationalizing sustainability across our entire business. Across the value chain, starting from discovery services to manufacturing, sustainability aspects are upheld by us. We know success is more likely when we empower our teams to engage proactively and strategically align with critical issues such as access to medicines, process safety, environmental performance, and conservation of material resources for creating measurable impact. We are on a continuous journey to maximize the value of our sustainability initiatives and make it meaningful for our stakeholders. Sustainability at Sai Life Sciences