Saimers' Cafe

Saimers in focus His role: Research Associate, Medicinal Chemistry. Education: BS Biotechnology. Passion: Dance. It all started in class 12 when he participated as a background dancer in Dhee, a dance reality show on ETV. Step by step, literally and figuratively, Suresh made a mark in the entertainment industry and is now recognized as Assistant Dance Master. With work being a priority, he joins Raghu Master when he has time off, to choregraph the right moves. “Once I went for an audition, recalls Suresh. “I could see that there were so many senior dancers and here I was, just a normal dancer. After 6 days i received a call from the Dancers President and that gave me opportunity to work with Television actors in MAA TV and Gemini TV.” Anybody Can Dance but not like Suresh! 20 Suresh Babu Kornepati Medicinal Chemistry Shamirpet