Saimers' Cafe issue 9

32 Family in Focus - The healing power of yoga Bakasana, known as the crane pose, relieves the body of stress, anxiety, and depression. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or onelegged king pigeon pose, stretches the neck, shoulder, and chest muscles, helps improve blood flow. Eka Pada Bakasana, or the One-Legged Crane Pose, develops strength of the wrists, arms, and shoulders and improves concentration and balance. Shirsasana, also known as the headstand, is an advanced yoga pose that involves inverting the body upside down. The anti-gravitational pose improves concentration, balance and posture of the body and blood circulation. Mukta Hasta Shirsasana, a variation of the traditional headstand, stimulates the lymphatic, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Purna Ustrasana, Camel Pose, enhances physical flexibility, emotional well-being, and spiritual awareness. This back-bending pose aids in expansion of the thoracic and abdominal regions. Urdhva Kukkutasana, the Upward Rooster Pose, stretches hands, chest, abdomen, and shoulders, and tones and strengthens muscles. Purna Chakrasana, the Complete Wheel Pose. helps to correct eye disorders, cures throat related problems, chronic headache and tonsils, and disorders related to neck, spine, and shoulders. Mayūrāsana, peacock pose, improves circulation and activates the body’s detox mechanism, by removing toxins. Visvamitrasana, known as Visvamitra’s Twist, named after the kingturned-sage, Visvamitra,. activates the muladhara (root) chakra, which is associated with vitality and stability.