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In the 1936 Charlie Chaplin movie “Modern Times”, we see several hilarious attempts by the Management of Electro Steel Corp at raising the productivity of their factory workers, ranging from speeding up their assembly line to deploying a robotic feeding machine to keep them working even during lunch. While the movie is exaggerated to prove […]
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Computational insights into mixing

Computational insights into mixing: How process engineers are leveraging simulation in multiphase systems

Mixing in a multiphase system, especially in a scale-up environment, can prove to be an uphill task. A thorough understanding of mixing patterns is crucial as it enables the optimization of process parameters, reactor design, and operational conditions. It also aids in controlling phase separations and preventing undesirable side reactions. Process engineers are leveraging simulation […]
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A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Decoding Pharmaceutical Developability Assessment of NCEs

The developability assessment of new chemical entities (NCEs) is a crucial step in the drug discovery and development cycle. It involves an evaluation of a potential lead candidate’s/compound’s chances of becoming a clinical drug candidate at an early phase. The goal is to characterize the clinical drug candidate, identify, and address any potential challenges that […]
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Embracing electrophysiology to revolutionize drug discovery: utility beyond safety pharmacology

When MS Dhoni in his inimitable style flicks one over the ropes, our hearts collectively skip a beat. The answer of this phenomenon, that is being experienced by millions of cricket enthusiast this IPL season, lies in electrophysiology, the study of electrical properties of cells and tissues. In drug discovery process, electrophysiology has the potential […]
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Spherical Agglomeration

Innovative use of Spherical Agglomeration at scale to manufacture API with improved ‘flow’ property

Solving tough scientific challenges is our raison d’etre. This often leads us along under-explored paths that are both challenging and exciting. One of the sophisticated particle design techniques that is used to improve an API particle’s ‘flow property’, among other physical properties, is Spherical Agglomeration. This technique is considered to be a complex one – […]
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How PAT tools can help improve understanding of the crystallisation process

How PAT tools can help improve understanding of the crystallisation process

The criticality of Crystallisation process in the manufacture of drug substancesThe importance of crystallisation in the pharmaceutical and high-value chemical industries has increased recently due to many technical and commercial factors in last decade: Requirements to reduce impurities from quality standpoint Better yields from business standpoint, The need to crystallise difficult-to-crystallise small / macro-molecules from […]
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CDMO Conferences in 2022

CDMO Conferences in 2022

Outsourcing of R&D and Manufacturing has seen over a 50% budget increase in 2021, according to a report by CPhI, the record number of investments in discovery pipelines coupled with broader macro factors is going to drive huge growth for CDMOs in the next 2-3 years. Full-service CDMOs, both large and medium scale, are looking […]
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Trends in High Throughput Screening

Trends in High Throughput Screening

What is High Throughput Screening? The virtue of HTS If a methodology has to be nominated to the Science Hall of Fame for its contributions in the field of Biology and Chemistry and its interfaces, this is with no doubt High Throughput Screening (HTS). The concept is simple: testing large libraries of entities -compounds, biologicals […]
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Understanding Lipinski’s Rule of 5 and the Role of LogP Value in Drug Design and Development

Understanding Lipinski’s Rule of 5 and the Role of LogP Value in Drug Design and Development

An important physicochemical property for a drug compound is its Lipophilicity. This single property dictates many aspects of the performance of the drug, such as solubility, absorption from the gut, membrane permeability, distribution via blood by binding to plasma protein, crossing the blood-brain barrier, organ entry, and metabolism/clearance from the body (ADME properties). The partition […]
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From Discovery to CMC: Outsourcing via integrated partnerships simplifies the externalization journey

From Discovery to CMC: Outsourcing via integrated partnerships simplifies the externalization journey

The advantages of a robust outsourcing strategy for pharma and biotech has become clear over the last decades. Outsourcing research and development that would have previously been carried out in-house allows capital efficiency by moving fixed costs into variable cost, and also capital elasticity, with the ability to adjust spending by portfolio needs and data. […]
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